Sunday, 19 March 2017

Why I love what I do

even if I have to wake up every morning at 6:00, even if I am sometimes tired, even if I have to ride thru hard rain to be on time to my classes....seeing all those beautiful people, having great classes with them, working with my best friends at the same place...yes, I exactly do every day what I love...

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Happy anniversary

2nd of March 2016 I moved to Bali. How to better celebrate this special date one year later, but with friends you spend every single day and some nice local food and drinks.
In my super small kitchen, Maan prepared some nice dishes, Juda cut, Indiana Jones style, the banana leaf down with the machete, to put the food on, Vanessa was the best kitchen assistant to Maan. And me...ya I was nervous, running around and welcome all friends who came by...friends, food, drinks, guitar music, laughter and happiness, how can life be ever better?

With Maan, Vanessa, Juda, Daniela, Rudi, Giat, Alena & Malika, Edy, Alice & Maya, Dedi, Budy, Nengah, Leire, Riko, Windy, Seno, Bagong, Papu and of course our dog Dadong