I know, I know, it's been a while, maybe a bit too long since I wrote my last post. The reason? Here we are, according to my post title, the first Bali secret: you get really, really lazy and easy going living in Bali :-)
I took this title today and maybe the most of my follower expect some new secret spots, like some waterfalls, rice fields or an undiscovered island. Sorry to disappoint you here :-)
I get everyday many messages from some friends, friends of friends, people I even never met before, asking me to share some nice places and nearly every message contains the same thing: "I would like to see Bali but not the touristy stuff". Well, meanwhile there are millions of travel blogs and travel books publishing everyday the "secret spots" so it's very difficult to find a place without some tourists. But yes, Bali is getting more and more famous every day and I dearly can understand the people, because Bali is simply a paradise.
When I was traveling earlier I always made a plan what would I like to see, and those were usually things like "must see" or "must do". At the end I did some of those places and liked them, even if some of them were super touristy. But mostly my plans changed as soon as I arrived to a new country. Discovering things or places on your own are so much more interesting. I found cafes and restaurants by accident, I would for example probably never find again, I mostly don't even remember their names or the places I found them. I met so many interesting people, I don't even remember their names and I probably will never see them again in my life. But the times we shared will stay forever in my mind. This are the things no travel blog, no travel guide book, nobody who lives here can ever recommend you, this are things you have to find on your own, these are those things which make your travel to a special one.
So when you ask me again, what can I recommend here in Bali, I will just answer you to spend as much time as you can with local people, watch the sunset on the beach and join the local boys when they play music there, share some beers with them. Eat in the local places called warung, try the amazing street food at night, don't be shy or scared to try new dishes. Rent a scooter (and please wear a helmet and don't be a super hero on the bike, especially if you drive for the first time) and explore the island, take a ride into the unknown, you will see beautiful natural places and meet wonderful local people.
If you are in Canggu, I kindly invite you to join me and my friends at the evening, sharing food together at our favorite warung, sometimes we do own fish barbecue, the boys are playing guitar, we have some drinks (of course you as guest should bring some beers, too ;-). I promise you incredible times and memories.
Welcome to my paradise!