Sunday, 10 April 2016

Bali Spirit Festival 2016

My friend Ruth and I already bought the tickets for the Bali Spirit Festival more than 6 months ago. We were so super exited to go there. Finally Ruth arrived some days before the festival and we both spent great time together already before the festival even started. Seeing each other one year later, we had so many things to speak about.
The festival was great, we tried some new yoga styles:
Laughing yoga: at the beginning we had no idea what is going to happen. But the more we got into it the more it got better and better. At the end we laughed like crazy, we hugged each other, people you never seen before, we looked into each others eyes and yeah....we felt love after 90 minutes. Simply great! Thank you lovely Kay Warurik.
I especially was super keen to finally join the class of Young Ho Kim, the german teacher. At the end the whole group followed his beautiful flow with Beyonces Song "Listen" but most he caught me at the end, as he told us his story, how he discovered yoga and got yoga teacher. Once again he remind me to ALWAYS listen and follow my heart and my dreams, and only then you are on the right path. Thank you, Young Ho Kim for your smiling face and the photo afterwards :-)
And as an ashtangi at heart I thought there's nothing which compares to it! Until we went to Jivamukti. OMG! 2 full hours and I was simply dead afterwards. Dead but super happy! Jivamukti, you got me :-)
I have to say that we both didn't like all this vinyasa classes with loud music and dancing, as we both prefer the traditional yoga, but this doesn't mean that it wasn't good, this is just our opinion. And I as well realized that theres is still a long way to be completely spiritual as sometimes I felt completely lost in some sessions.
At the end I had great times there and I really enjoyed, but I cannot say that this festival changed my life in any way, how many peoples did. I am ok with my life so far.  But I can highly recommend it to everybody who never was here before. I met lovely people from so many countries and had great raw vegan food, everything was colorful and the venue was simply paradise. Bali Spirit Festival, see you next time again!

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